Вступительная статья ответственного редактора журнала, суммирующая ключевые аспекты выпуска.
Brodsky I.A. (1994). Selected poems. Panorama. (in Russian).
Lichtenstein E.S. (1976). A word about science. Knowledge. (in Russian).
Suslov M.G. (2006) On the nature of wars at different stages of historical development. Archive of the city of Perm. Materials of the round table "Local wars in the history of Russia and the Kama region" (Perm, April 27, 2006) https://www.permarchive.ru/index.php?page=lokalnye-vojny-doklad1 (in Russian).
Tinder V.P. (2021). Wars in the history of mankind. Bulletin of the VolSU. History. Regional studies. International relations. 26(1), 10-12, https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu4.2021.1.1 (in Russian).

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